Realize the advantages of Cloud Enablement

There is more to cloud enablement than moving operations to the cloud. Working in the cloud helps organizations gain agility and take advantage of trending technologies, improving their competitive advantage. We support organizations in all stages of cloud journey. Which stage are you?

  • Just starting to plan our journey to cloud.
  • Specific groups use the cloud for their smaller projects.
  • We moved to the cloud, but we don’t have governance or realized our return on investment.
  • We moved to the cloud and have standardized our use, but need help incorporating newer technologies.

Rely on our experts to enable a smooth transition to the cloud and help your organization realize their return on investment. To optimize cloud enablement, organizations contact us for technical expertise.

Realize the advantages of moving to the Cloud

Portfolio of Cloud Enablement Services

1 Cloud Consulting

We partner with your team to assess your use of cloud, determine gaps and plan initiatives that meet your business needs. Our goal is to help you serve IT demand bursts, react fast, speed time to market, improve customer satisfaction, increase productivity, deliver cloud-enabled business initiatives and create new market opportunities.

2 Cloud Implementation

We use best practices and standards when implementing cloud enablement solutions to help organizations ensure success: workload planning, execution and management services to support the transition of applications between environments.

3 Cloud Migration

We help you determine the best options to migrate workloads to the cloud and perform the work to Rehost, Revise, Rearchitect, Rebuild and Replace those workloads.

  • Deep knowledge of cloud platforms and technology to minimize risk.
  • Skills to manage, store and access data.
  • Broad understanding of technology issues and implications for business, such as finances and regulatory compliance.
  • Business process re-engineering expertise.
  • Experience with data integration and multi-cloud environments.
  • Experience building apps optimized for AWS and Azure cloud platforms using serverless technologies (AWS Lambda), AWS CloudFormation, and Azure Resource Manager templates.
  • Certified cyber security expertise.
  • Deep knowledge and experience gained by providing cloud enablement services and solutions in over 40 countries.

We Radiate Technology

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